This is site is maintained by ERWIN ONYAMBU MOGUSU

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Erwin in South Korea

Interacting with the Korean students.


At Chuncheon National University of Education in South Korea.

Elementally school pupils

Kenyan teachers pose for a photo with the Korean school children.

Travelling to Korea

At Dubai International Airport.

Thursday, 28 June 2018



NAME……………………………..……………ADMN NO:…………….STREAM………
Attempt all questions
1.       Name one laboratory rule that should be observed in a physics laboratory. (1 mark)

2.       Give the three states of matter.                                                                       (3 marks)

3.      A block of glass of mass 187.5 g is 5.0 cm long, 2.0 cm thick and 7.5 cm high. Calculate;
a)      The density of the glass in kgm -3.                                                                (3 marks)

b)      The maximum pressure it can exert on a surface.                                        (3 marks)

4.      Steel is about eight times denser than water, but a razor blade made of steel floats on water when gentle placed on it.
a)      Explain this observation.                                                                           (2 marks)

b)      When drops of soap solution is added onto the surface of the water, the razor blade moves away from the point of the drop the finally sinks. Explain this observation.                                                                                                             (2 marks)

c)      Apart from addition of impurities to the water explain any other physical change that can be made on the water to make the razor blade to sink.       (2 marks)

5.      An astronaut weighs 900 N on earth. On the moon he weighs 150 N. Calculate the moons gravitational strength. (Earth’s gravitational field strength= 10 N/Kg)                                                                                                                                             (3 marks)

6.      Differentiate between vector quantity and scalar quantity giving an example of each.                                                                                                                               (4 marks)

7.      The figure below shows a hydraulic press system used to lift a load. The area of piston A is 0.01 m2 while the area of piston B is 0.5 m2.

If the force applied to piston A is 2 N, find,
a)       The pressure exerted by piston on the liquid.                                                  (3 marks)

b)      The pressure exerted by the liquid on piston B.                                                (1 mark)

c)       The force produced at piston B to lift the load.                                               (3 marks)

8.       Give three characteristics of a good brake fluid. (3 marks)

9.       The figure below shows a form one student blowing into a U-tube manometer.

Given that the atmospheric pressure is 103, 360 Pa, calculate the lung pressure of the student.                                                                                                                                                                                                   (4 marks)

10.  The height of the mercury column in a barometer is found to be 67.0 cm at a certain place.
a)      What would be the height of a water barometer at the same place? (densities of mercury - 13600 kg/m3 and water- 1000 kg/m3).                                             (4 marks)

b)      Explain why mercury is preferred to water when making barometers.          (1 mark)

11.  The figure below shows a set-up down by form one students.

a)       Explain the observation made.                                                                                             (3 marks)

b)      State the kinetic theory of matter.                                                                                            (1 mark)

12.   Using a well labeled diagram describe an experiment to show that pressure in liquids increases with depth below the surface of the liquid.                                                                                (4 marks)