Thursday 30 April 2020

Discuss the various ways employed by preys to avoid the predators

Some preys resemble inedible inanimate and animate objects; this is called mimicry; e.g. walking stick insect resembles dry twigs of plants, some moths look like bees or flowers of some plants; this prevents birds from easily notifying and eating them; many have the ability to run very fast; because of having muscular bodies; and long legs; enabling them to escape predators e.g. antelopes, zebras; some have a body colour that resembles the surrounding; which helps them to camouflage or conceal in the background environment; e.g. zebras, giraffes; some graze in large herds; this enables them to fight off predators; e.g. wildebeests and buffaloes; some have evolved tough skin or coverings like shells; which can not be broken by some predators e.g. snails, tortoises, armadillo; production of foul smell e.g. in skunks; that discourages the predators; confrontational display that can scare away the predator e.g. porcupine; large eyes on both sides of the head give animals such as zebra a wide field of vision; enabling them to keep track of their enemies from far; and take precautions; 

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