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Erwin in South Korea

Interacting with the Korean students.


At Chuncheon National University of Education in South Korea.

Elementally school pupils

Kenyan teachers pose for a photo with the Korean school children.

Travelling to Korea

At Dubai International Airport.

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Residents of Nyamira County condemn divisive politics

The governor of Nyamira His Excellency Amos Nyaribo has spent the last few days touring Kitutu Masaba constituency in a meet the people tour, a phenomenon which has sent shock waves down the spines of his competitors. In his tour, the governor has always preached harmonious co-existence of all the people living in Nyamira.

In a quick rejoinder and out of panic mode, some leaders are now calling on their supporters to choose leaders based on their clans. In a video that has gone viral on social media, a crowd is cheering while being incited on the basis of classism.

The sentiments have received wide spread condemnation across the county with some residents even calling on the DCI to act on the matter as it amount to hate speech.

Nyamira County with four constituencies is composed of all the clans of the Abagusii which have lived harmoniously without any consummate profiling of the clans. For instance, Borabu constituency which is largely a settlement scheme does not have a dominant clan but a mixture of clans that secured plots of land after the white settlers left.